John Monu - Bachelor of Applied Management

Learner Stories
11 March 2024
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Construction Project Manager, Pritchard Civil Ltd 

After 15 years’ experience working in operational roles in the construction industry, John Monu secured a management position and decided to enrol at Capable NZ.

“Studying the Bachelor of Applied Management was a way for me to formalise and complement the skills I've built over the years.

Returning to an academic learning environment was a shift in gears for John, who had entered the construction industry straight out of high school.

“University wasn't my thing – I'm more hands-on, which is why I enjoyed working in construction. It wasn't until later in my career that I learnt it was important for me to start looking into studying to develop and grow further.

John describes his study experience as a transformative journey.

“This degree was quite challenging for me, demanding extensive studying time and effort in research. Despite the hurdles, the insights and lessons I learned have significantly contributed to my personal and professional growth.

As a result of his studies, John says he’s significantly improved his own professional skillset.

“Applying what I've learned directly to my work has sharpened my problem-solving, decision-making and strategic thinking abilities, enabling me to handle complex tasks more effectively in my role.

The recognition of his existing skills – and the acquisition of new ones during his studies – has bolstered John’s confidence.

“This has positively influenced my interactions in the workplace, allowing me to take on greater responsibilities and contribute more effectively to team efforts.

Because of Capable NZ’s work-based learning model, John’s studies also had a beneficial impact on his workplace.

“Capable NZ's approach encouraged teamwork and knowledge sharing,” he explains. “Working alongside my tutor, peers and mentors meant we could share ideas, best practices and experiences. This collaborative learning has made my work environment more united and productive.

John says he would recommend Capable NZ to others without hesitation.

“Capable NZ's approach not only enhances professional skills but also nurtures personal growth, confidence, and adaptability – all essential attributes for success in today's dynamic workplaces.

He says learners embarking on a Capable NZ qualification should fully embrace the journey ahead.

“The fulfilment of completing your studies makes every effort worthwhile. It might mean juggling work, whānau time and studies, but the sense of accomplishment when you finish is incredibly rewarding. The dedication you put in will pay off, opening doors to new opportunities and showcasing your determination to succeed.