Bachelor of Applied Management: John Cameron

Learner Stories
29 January 2025
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Studying a Bachelor of Applied Management through Capable NZ allowed John Cameron to have his 20 years of management experience formally recognised.

John works as Group Operations Manager for the Manukau Urban Māori Authority. He heard about Capable NZ through friends who had completed a degree with us, and he knew it would be a good fit for him.

“It allowed for reduced time to study because it considers all of your years of prior learning. In my case 20 years of management experience,” says John.

His study experience with Capable NZ was positive, thanks to the one-on-one support he received.  

“My learning was made easier due to having a mentor assigned to me. She was able to understand me as a person and was able to help me in writing down the experience I had gained over the years.”

He says his mentor had worked with many tauira (learners) and so she was able to recognise his learning style.

“She was able to extract from me the knowledge I had not realised I had gathered over the years.”

Their regular check-ins helped him stay motivated and engaged and to ultimately complete his degree successfully.

“I am now a much more confident manager knowing that I do have the skills I need to hold the position I have.”

Prior to completing the degree, he was somewhat unsure that his years of experience were being reflected in his work. Now he knows that they are.

“I now identify the skills I use when working with staff and can tailor my delivery because I understand better how to utilise my knowledge to assist them as necessary.”

John recommends Capable NZ to others who want to have their prior learning recognised with a formal qualification.

“Do not delay if you are looking to gain a recognised qualification. The programme is much easier to manage than a full-time degree.”

John now looks forward to continuing his study journey with a master’s degree. He’s also looking at how he can progress in his career into a senior executive role.